The Accountant's Performance and its Influence on Corporate Social Responsibility





The mission of all companies involves responding and covering an existing need in society. Companies capture resources from their environment and through their productive activity generate a profit to their shareholders, managers and workers; however, they are not exempt by constitutional mandate to contribute to public spending. Although in recent decades, they have also chosen to harmonize with their environment, generating actions that allow establishing a favorable image before society. One of the professions that are decisive and active in organizational dynamics is accounting, among its many areas of work are: payroll, billing, costs, finances and taxes. In relation to the latter area, the work of the accountant is influential because Mexico is one of the OECD countries that collect less taxes in proportion to its Gross Domestic Product, which is reflected in the resources allocated to public spending. The work of the accountant with adherence to legality, ethics and putting social responsibility firstly is fundamental, since the performance of the accountant has been stigmatized regarding the non-payment of taxes by the taxpayer, even when the latter deliberately opts for not contribute in proportion to public spending. This manuscript exposes the causes of the taxpayer's evasive behavior and the way in which the accountant manages tax matters at the request of the former. This article is product of a bibliographic research and has a descriptive scope.


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Author Biography

Sinuhe Carlos Guardado Lopez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Licenciado en Administración por la Universidad del Valle de México, Maestro en Administración por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Doctor en Administración por el Instituto de Estudios para la Excelencia Profesional de Chiapas. Doctor en Derecho Penal con Orientación en Criminología y Posdoctorado en Derecho por el Centro de Estudios Superiores en Ciencias Jurídicas. Cuenta con diplomados en diversas áreas como Administración Pública, Derechos Humanos, Neuropsicología y Recursos Humanos. Profesor Definitivo por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Autor de textos sobre temas en Comportamiento Humano, Comportamiento Organizacional, Neuropsicología Organizacional y Derecho. Cuenta con publicaciones en revistas indizadas como la “Revista Universitaria Digital de Ciencias Sociales” de la UNAM, la “Revista Pensamiento Penal” de Argentina y la Revista "Iberoamerican Business Journal" (Perú-Chile). Por medio de la iniciativa privada colabora realizando diagnósticos y tratamientos neuropsicológicos en niños, adolescentes y adultos. Ha sido ponente en cursos y talleres de capacitación y desarrollo organizacional en ayuntamientos, colegios, empresas y universidades públicas y privadas.



How to Cite

Guardado Lopez, S. C., español, español, & español, español. (2020). The Accountant’s Performance and its Influence on Corporate Social Responsibility: english. Iberoamerican Business Journal, 3(2), 18–38.

