Business anti-computing

A challenge for organizations




Organizations today have multiple challenges that affect the way and reachment of their objectives. One of these challenges is the correct management of human talent in a vertiginous and turbulent environment. In general, it is considered that the Human Resources area or department adequately performs the various tasks that have been entrusted to it, among them the recruitment and selection of personnel, such activities are essential for the operation of the company. However, some employees act against the interests of the organization and collective, which should disturb organizational managers and Human Resources managers of the companies. The costs of antisocial behaviors within the organization and that the Administration Science has qualified with the name of "anomalous" or "deviated", cost millions of dollars to the companies world. This interdisciplinary manuscript (Neuropsychology, Criminology and Administration Science) scientifically bases antisocial behaviors, their causes and endogenous and exogenous risk factors, which frame the aforementioned behaviors.


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Author Biography

Sinuhe Carlos Guardado Lopez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Licenciado en Administración por la Universidad del Valle de México, Maestro en Administración por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Doctor en Administración por el Instituto de Estudios para la Excelencia Profesional (México). Doctor en Derecho Penal con Orientación en Criminología y Posdoctorado en Derecho por el Centro de Estudios Superiores en Ciencias Jurídicas.

Cuenta con diplomados en diversas áreas como Administración Pública, Derechos Humanos, Neuropsicología y Recursos Humanos.

Profesor Definitivo por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Autor de textos sobre temas en Comportamiento Humano, Comportamiento Organizacional, Neuropsicología Organizacional y Derecho.

Es evaluador internacional de artículos científicos en diversas revistas arbitradas e indizadas de América Latina y el Caribe.

Cuenta con publicaciones en revistas arbitradas e indizadas de América Latina y el Caribe. 



How to Cite

Guardado Lopez, S. C. (2020). Business anti-computing: A challenge for organizations. Iberoamerican Business Journal, 4(1), 17–40.

