Entrepreneurship in Generation Z, based on entrepreneurial capacity and financial culture
entrepreneurial capacity, personal realization capacity, planning capacity, capacity to relate socially, creative capacity, financial cultureAbstract
Objective: To analyze the entrepreneurial capacity and its association with financial culture in generation Z, this generation is the one called to drive, in the short term, the economic and social growth of a region connected to a global market and interacting in a digital environment. Method: It follows the route of the quantitative, non-experimental, transversal approach of relational level; an instrument was applied for the variables entrepreneurial capacity and culture each one composed of 4 dimensions, to a sample of 470 elements of the Z generation of Arequipa, Peru, Results: Finding a positive average relationship explained by the Rho Spearman test of 0.568. Conclusion: It was found that the entrepreneurial capacity made up of the capacities of personal fulfillment, planning, social relations and creativity, have a weak average association with financial culture in generation Z; this finding can be explained by the little face-to-face interaction between the years 2020 and 2022, prior to the research. In this sense, the members of generation Z have interacted remotely, limiting the development of the mentioned capacities.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gonzalo Teófilo Moya Bejar , Sinoé Geofrey Bahamondes García, Julio Augusto Sobenes Salas, Juan Manuel Alarcón Mansilla, César Augusto Medrano Rodríguez

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