Mexican multinationals and the Sustainable Development Goals

The case of CEMEX and BIMBO


  • Jesús Manuel Pérez-Solorzano Tecnológico Nacional de México/IT de Veracruz
  • Myrna Guadalupe Andrade-Estrada Tecnológico Nacional de México/ IT de Veracruz
  • José Satsumi López-Morales Tecnológico Nacional de México/ IT de Veracruz



Sustainable Development Goals, AGENDA 2030, CEMEX, BIMBO


The objective of this research is to be able to identify which SDGs have been addressed by the main Mexican multinational companies. To achieve this objective, the sustainability reports of 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 of the Mexican multinationals BIMBO and CEMEX will be analyzed. To carry out this analysis, the qualitative research software ATLAS.ti was used. The results indicate that companies are not exempt from obtaining economic benefits and the SDGs that are most addressed are 3 "Health and Well-being" and 6 "Water and Sanitation". The general conclusion indicates that SDG 3 Health and well-being is of the utmost importance for BIMBO and CEMEX.


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Author Biographies

Jesús Manuel Pérez-Solorzano, Tecnológico Nacional de México/IT de Veracruz

Industrial Engineer graduated from the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico. Student of the Master's Degree in Administration at the Tecnológico Nacional de México/IT de Veracruz, México, Veracruz, México.

Myrna Guadalupe Andrade-Estrada, Tecnológico Nacional de México/ IT de Veracruz

Graduate in Psychology and Master in Quality Management from the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico. Full-Time Professor and Professor and secretary of the Graduate Council of the Master's Degree in Administration of the Tecnológico Nacional de México/IT of Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico.

José Satsumi López-Morales, Tecnológico Nacional de México/ IT de Veracruz

Doctor in Administration Sciences from the Cristóbal Colón University, Mexico. Master in Business Management from the University of Palermo, Argentina. Graduate in International Business and Markets from the Cristóbal Colón University, Mexico. Full-Time Professor, Academic Coordinator and Teacher of the Master's Degree in Administration at the Tecnológico Nacional de México/IT de Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Solorzano, J. M., Andrade-Estrada, M. G., & López-Morales, J. S. (2024). Mexican multinationals and the Sustainable Development Goals: The case of CEMEX and BIMBO. Newman Business Review, 10(1), 105–123.