Somme approaches to measure corporate profitability in relation to customer loyalty and employee satisfaction. “The case of Arica”


  • Daniel Viera Castillo University of Tarapacá, Arica
  • Orlando Pérez Vallebona Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica



corporate profitability, customer loyalty, employee satisfaction


The purpose is to identify whether employee satisfaction is directly related to customer loyalty, and therefore in corporate profitability. Three direct relationships were analyzed: (1) the direct relationship between employee satisfaction and customer loyalty, (2) the direct relationship between customer loyalty and profitability, and (3) the direct relationship between employee satisfaction and business profitability. The data required for this study were collected from employees and customers of banks, in addition to the balances of each of these. A structural equation model was used to test the hypotheses. Preliminary results of this model indicated that the initial model should be reconsidered, and therefore limit the model was due omitting any relationship with corporate profitability as a result of the low number of banks and the high number of customers in the sample used prevent statistical adjustments.

Keywords: financial performance, employee satisfaction, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, image, commitment, trust.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Viera Castillo, University of Tarapacá, Arica

Doctor en Dirección y Organización de Empresas. Profesor Titular de la Escuela Universitaria de Administración y Negocios de la Universidad de Tarapacá en Arica, Chile. Su profesión es Ingeniero Comercial de la Universidad Católica del Norte y posee los siguientes grados académicos: Master en Economía y Master en Ingeniería Industrial, de la Universidad de Los Andes de Colombia. Doctor en Dirección y Organización de Empresas de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. Su experiencia profesional incluye muchos años como miembro de directorio, gerente, asesor y consultor especializado en empresas de diverso tipo en Chile, Perú y Colombia. Arica, Chile.

Orlando Pérez Vallebona, Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica

Alumno de la Universidad de Tarapacá, Escuela Universitaria de Administración y Negocios, Arica, Chile


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How to Cite

Viera Castillo, D., & Pérez Vallebona, O. (2015). Somme approaches to measure corporate profitability in relation to customer loyalty and employee satisfaction. “The case of Arica”. Newman Business Review, 1(2), 37–53.



Economics, Management and business Papers