Using Kanban methodology and workflow in Lima companies


  • Eubi Alagón Zúñiga Egresada de la Maestría de Administración con Mención en Gestión Empresarial – Postgrado Universidad Mayor de San Marcos



Objective: To determine the relationship between the use of Kanban methodology and workflow in Lima companies. Methodology: The research approached a correlational scope, non-experimental design, the survey was used as a technique to collect information on the variables and as an instrument the questionnaire that represents the tool to obtain answers. Data analysis was carried out using Excel and SPSS software, using Spearman's Rho statistical test to verify the hypotheses. Results: The data verify that 60.0% consider that the Kanban method is efficient, while 65.0% consider the workflow as adequate, it was also identified that the use of the Kanban method confirms a direct and significant link to process improvement (p=0.021; r=0.511), personnel performance (p=0.003; r=0.621), also to service improvement (p=0.001; r=0.671) with a significance of less than 0.050. Conclusion: It is demonstrated that the use of the Kanban method sustains a direct and significant link to the workflow (p=0.001; r=0.671), which confirms the hypothesis.


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Author Biography

Eubi Alagón Zúñiga, Egresada de la Maestría de Administración con Mención en Gestión Empresarial – Postgrado Universidad Mayor de San Marcos

A brief professional description: Bachelor's Degree in Administration and International Business. Graduate of the Master's Degree in Business Management from UNMSM. Professional with 8 years of experience in areas of administration and project management, with experience in the implementation of agile methodologies, with specialized studies in process optimization and project management.


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How to Cite

Alagón Zúñiga, E. (2025). Using Kanban methodology and workflow in Lima companies. Iberoamerican Business Journal, 8(2), 05–24.