Salary Inequality in Public Services in Chile: A Case Study National Customs Service of Chile


  • Daniel Omar Viera Castillo Universidad Católica del Norte,Arica,Chile
  • Mario Alonso Flores Loredo University of Tarapacá - Arica - Chile



wage inequality, employment, Chilean Customs, labor market.


The goal of this paper is to analyze remunerations by sex, to determine the gap and discrimination that exists in public entities as in the case of Customs of Chile. The structure of occupational estates and labor income is analyzed through the functional relationships of the Mincer equation. The results indicate that there are wage differences by sex in favor of men of the order of 42%, with professional and technical professionals presenting the greatest inequalities. In addition, married men have higher salaries than women for the same years of experience. These results contrast to the official publications in Chile for the public sector where the wage gap is 27.4%.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Omar Viera Castillo, Universidad Católica del Norte,Arica,Chile

Doctor en Dirección y Organización de Empresas. Profesor Titular de la Escuela Universitaria de Administración y Negocios de la Universidad de Tarapacá en Arica, Chile. Su profesión es Ingeniero Comercial de la Universidad Católica del Norte y posee los siguientes grados académicos: Master en Economía y Master en Ingeniería Industrial, de la Universidad de Los Andes de Colombia. Doctor en Dirección y Organización de Empresas de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. Su experiencia profesional incluye muchos años como miembro de directorio, gerente, asesor y consultor especializado en empresas de diverso tipo en Chile, Perú y Colombia. Arica, Chile.

Mario Alonso Flores Loredo, University of Tarapacá - Arica - Chile

Master of the University of Tarapacá, Chile.



How to Cite

Viera Castillo, D. O., & Flores Loredo, M. A. . (2019). Salary Inequality in Public Services in Chile: A Case Study National Customs Service of Chile. Newman Business Review, 5(2), 04–25.



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