Learning to undertake with AI and geek´n´talent method

university social responsibility review


  • Antonio Sánchez-Bayón Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España
  • Miguel A. Alonso-Neira Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España
  • Daniel J. Gallego Morales Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España




This report offers the keys to replay a successful experience of university social responsibility oriented towards learning for digital entrepreneurship, so that it can help others in its implementation. This is an experience of teaching innovation, active learning, flipped classroom and gamification, which has been carried out for years in various degrees and campuses of the Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain). The theoretical and methodological frameworks come from Austrian Economics and New-Institutional Economics. Firstly, this report clarifies what the experience consists of and how it has been carried out, and then it offers the advances with the incorporation of artificial intelligence in the process. This experience has allowed students to be prepared for digital entrepreneurship, in accordance with the original sense of university social responsibility, paying equal attention to ambitio dignitatis et ambitio pecuniae (the commitment to the training of citizens and professionals).


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Author Biographies

Antonio Sánchez-Bayón, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España

PhD: Economics, Business, Law, Theology, Humanities and Philosophy). Prof. Applied Economics and researcher at GESCE and GID-TIC-TAC-CCEESS at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. He has been a lawyer, consultant and Vice-Dean of research at UCJC, CEDEU and ISEMCO. Editor of Retos, Energies, Semestre Económico.

Miguel A. Alonso-Neira, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España

D. in Economics). Prof. Applied Economics and researcher at GESCE and GID-TIC-TAC-CCEESS at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Co-director of the Master in Economics of the Austrian School at URJC. Editor of Procesos de Mercado.

Daniel J. Gallego Morales, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España

(Ph.D. candidate in Social Sciences and J.S.J.). Prof. Applied Economics and researcher of GESCE and GID-TIC-TAC-CCEESS at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Juan Carlos University. Editor of Procesos de Procesos de Mercado.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Bayón, A., Alonso-Neira, M. A., & Gallego Morales, D. J. (2024). Learning to undertake with AI and geek´n´talent method: university social responsibility review. Iberoamerican Business Journal, 1(1), 48–63. https://doi.org/10.22451/5817.ibj2024.Spec.Ed.vol1.1.11094