Editorial Vol.8, Núm.1


  • Yván Francisco Díaz Zelada Escuela de Posgrado Newman, Tacna


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Author Biography

Yván Francisco Díaz Zelada, Escuela de Posgrado Newman, Tacna

Consultant with experience in business organization and management, market research, project formulation and evaluation, and business model design. He is a researcher recognized by CONCYTEC of RENACYT. Doctor in Administration, graduated with maximum distinction as MBA from the Master in Business Administration from Universidad de Tarapacá (Chile), Master in Business Administration from Neumann Graduate School (Peru) and graduated from the Banking Administration Program from CENTRUM Católica (Peru). He studied commercial engineering at Universidad Tarapacá (Chile) and is a registered systems engineer (CIP 112273). He served as director of the e-Learning center for Neumann Business School. He has been a business officer for Banco de Credito del Peru (BCP), Mi Banco and Banco Solventa. He teaches at Neumann Business School, Universidad San Pablo (Arequipa) and Universidad Continental (Arequipa). He has lectured for different Peruvian universities in the south of Peru (Tacna and Arequipa) in the areas of business, innovation, management and technology.



How to Cite

Díaz Zelada, Y. F. (2024). Editorial Vol.8, Núm.1. Iberoamerican Business Journal, 8(1), 01–05. Retrieved from https://journals.epnewman.edu.pe/index.php/IBJ/article/view/354

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