Emotional intelligence of parents and academic performance of children in virtual platforms of the first grade of primary school in a private educational institution

Sede Tacna AF 2021


  • Jesús Alberto La Torre Orbegoso Universidad Privada de Tacna




The purpose of this research work is to determine that there is a relationship between the emotional intelligence of parents and the academic performance of children in the first grade of a private educational institution based in Tacna AF 2021, presenting objective results that arrive at conclusions that will allow lay the foundations to face, if any, other stages of confinement. Regarding the methodology, this research is of a basic type, of a quantitative level and a non-experimental, cross-relational design. A census survey was applied where the influence of emotional intelligence on academic performance is evidenced. Of the total of 64 parents of children who used virtual platforms, it was evidenced that 91.00% of them, with an adequate application of emotional intelligence, led to the best academic performance, obtaining outstanding achievement of first grade children and the other 9 being % who reached the expected level of achievement with 0% of children with a level in process and beginning. With these results, it can be affirmed that the emotional intelligence of parents has a significant influence on the academic performance of children on virtual platforms in the first grade of a private educational institution - Tacna AF 2021 headquarters, achieving 100% outstanding achievement and expected in this formative stage.


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How to Cite

La Torre Orbegoso, J. A. (2023). Emotional intelligence of parents and academic performance of children in virtual platforms of the first grade of primary school in a private educational institution : Sede Tacna AF 2021. Iberoamerican Business Journal, 7(1), 04–23. https://doi.org/10.22451/5817.ibj2023.vol7.1.11074